terça-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2015

Caminhar durante uma maratona pode reduzir o desgaste sem piorar o tempo, segundo estudo

Encontrei esta matéria através de um post do Jeff Galloway, o criador do método Gallowalk. O curioso é ver que muitas pessoas comentaram o post do Galloway no Facebook.

O link para o artigo científico (não a matéria que apenas descreve o estudo) é http://www.jsams.org/article/S1440-2440%2814%2900218-7/abstract. Abaixo o resumo do artigo e o post do Galloway:

Does a run/walk strategy decrease cardiac stress during a marathon in non-elite runners?



Although alternating run/walk-periods are often recommended to novice runners, it is unclear, if this particular pacing strategy reduces the cardiovascular stress during prolonged exercise. Therefore, the aim of the study was to compare the effects of two different running strategies on selected cardiac biomarkers as well as marathon performance.


Randomized experimental trial in a repeated measure design.


Male (n = 22) and female subjects (n  = 20) completed a marathon either with a run/walk strategy or running only. Immediately after crossing the finishing line cardiac biomarkers were assessed in blood taken from the cubital vein. Before (−7 days) and after the marathon (+4 days) subjects also completed an incremental treadmill test.


Despite different pacing strategies, run/walk strategy and running only finished the marathon with similar times (04:14:25 ± 00:19:51 vs 04:07:40 ± 00:27:15 [hh:mm:ss]; p = 0.377). In both groups, prolonged exercise led to increased B-type natriuretic peptide, creatine kinase MB isoenzyme and myoglobin levels (p < 0.001), which returned to baseline 4 days after the marathon. Elevated cTnI concentrations were observable in only two subjects. B-type natriuretic peptide (r = −0.363; p = 0.041) and myoglobin levels (r = −0.456; p  = 0.009) were inversely correlated with the velocity at the individual anaerobic threshold. Run/walk strategy compared to running only reported less muscle pain and fatigue (p = 0.006) after the running event.


In conclusion, the increase in cardiac biomarkers is a reversible, physiological response to strenuous exercise, indicating temporary stress on the myocyte and skeletal muscle. Although a combined run/walk strategy does not reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, it allows non-elite runners to achieve similar finish times with less (muscle) discomfort.

4 comentários:

  1. Tenho esse livro. Parece legal. Juro que em alguma maratona farei do 1 ao 32k essa de andar 1' a cada milha e ver como me sinto. A galera da performance torce o bico, mas tanto nesse livro como no Marathon, do mesmo autor, ele fala de gente que tem até 2h30 e pouco que seguiu o método. Jamais vou descartar o que funciona antes de testar em mim, não é?

    Grande abraço.


    1. Também pretendo testar o método mais uma vez. Só usei uma vez.


  2. Bem, então não foi só impressão minha que fazer Gallowalk reduz o desconforto muscular nos dias pós-maratona! Hehehe!

    1. Faz sentido que diminua o desconforto, desde que a pessoa não abuse durante o trecho "corrida".


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